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Procedural Information

How Can I Fix Sagging Breasts?

Model wearing a white bra

Breasts begin to droop and become saggy in response to a variety of factors, including pregnancy, breastfeeding, genetics, weight fluctuations, hormonal changes, and age-related skin laxity. Although breast drooping—also called ptosis—is quite common, it can be aesthetically displeasing and negatively impact a woman’s figure and confidence. If you are dissatisfied […]

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Which Cosmetic Injectable Is Right for Me?

At our Saratoga Springs MediSpa, Dr. Steven Yarinsky and our dedicated team offer several different cosmetic injectables to address patients’ varying needs. In fact, Dr. Yarinsky is the only certified Expert Injector™ located in the Albany/Capital District region — meaning he has had extensive training and experience with these treatments. […]

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Can a Tummy Tuck Help with Back Pain?

While many people believe tummy tuck surgery is strictly designed to create a smoother, more toned-looking midsection and an “hourglass” figure, the procedure often accomplishes much more than this. In fact, a tummy tuck can reduce chronic lower back pain caused by poor posture due to abdominal muscle weakness. This […]

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What Happens if Breast Implants Aren’t Replaced?

Replacing Breast Implants

Our board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Steven Yarinsky, explains that while breast implants last for many years, they should not be considered lifetime medical devices. They can rupture or leak, and saline implants may deflate. Capsular contracture may also occur, which is shrinkage of natural scar tissue that your body produces […]

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Can Blepharoplasty Get Rid of Tired-Looking Eyes?


Anyone can be affected by tired-looking eyes, even well-rested and energized individuals. The natural aging process can often cause the eyelids to stretch and the muscles supporting them to weaken. Eyelid surgery, also known as blepharoplasty, can be a highly effective procedure that helps correct a variety of cosmetic concerns […]

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